Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm baaaacccckkkkk!!!

So here's the deal - I've neglected this blog way too much these past couple of weeks.  Not just neglected, but ignored.  It's hard being a bivocational associate pastor (meaning I am working a full time job in addition to ministry), but life is hard and busy.  I've used that as an excuse lately, but refuse to continue down that road.  I may not post as many times, or as in depth, but i will be more faithful in this endeavor.  

How in the world are you doing?  Are you encouraged or in need or encouragement?  Are you happy or sad?  Where is your focus right now?

Today in reading through the book of Psalms I came across a great, warm reminder of Who is in charge.  Psalm 28:7 reads - The LORD is my strength and shield.  I trust in Him will all my heart.  He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.  I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.  What a great voice of encouragement.  Go ahead and enjoy today - He is in control!

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