Happy New Year's Eve! Can you believe that 2010 is already over? I trust it's been a great year for you filled with passion, love and adventure. Do you wonder what 2011 is going to look like? Are you making any resolutions for the new year?
It appears that life keeps getting busier and busier. The more jammed packed each day gets, the more I realize that if I'm gonna get anything accomplished, I need to have a plan. A road map, if you will. Without defined goals, it's very easy for each of us to get busy, or slip up, and not complete what needs to get accomplished when we do end up with a free moment.
John Ortberg, in his book Axiom: Powerful Leadership Proverbs, talks about how he plans out his life in several different ways. The way that most struck me was that, when he plans short term, he plans 6 weeks at a time. He plans six weeks at a time as strictly as possible, as full as possible, without being overwhelmed.
So here's my major plans for the next six weeks, in no particular order:
- Reread the Gospels in depth - this is going to actually happen in 30 days. This includes reading and studying each of the four books. Check out this and other reading plans via youversion.com over here.
- Begin a two year advanced theological program in January, learn even more about Him and about serving Him.
- Blog here at least 3 times a week.
- Lose weight via exercise and eating better. I've gotta do it. This will be a separate blog post with greater detail soon.
So what about you? What are your goals for 2011? What plans are you making now to help yourself reach those goals?
Where there is no vision, the people perish. ~Proverbs 29:18A
Sounds like my plan from last year! I'm confident you can do it. Here's an idea, why don't we connect up once a week via Skype or something else for a little accountability. Nothing major, but just a weekly checkup.