Friday, April 29, 2011

Are You Living for the Weekend?

I guess you can tell where I'm going by looking at the title.  It's a simple question.  The answer, however, might be problematic.

I must first admit that, up until recently, I absolutely lived for Fridays.  As a bivocational pastor, 5pm Friday meant the weekend was here, and that one of my tedious workweeks was but a distant memory.  I was able to focus on my passion (being a pastor) without being bothered working my other full-time job.

Here's the deal - it's absolutely wrong to waste the time between where the workweek starts and where it ends.  Even worse, though, is to do nothing with the opportunities in front of you no matter what day of the week it is.

That's not to say the weekends are evil, because they sure aren't.  There's also nothing wrong with Manic Monday, or Hump Day Wednesday either.  Each day we are given is a gift from God.  Live in the moment - we aren't promised tomorrow.  James 4:14 tells us that our lives are like the morning fog - here for a little while and then gone.

So how can you help the workweek be more enjoyable?

  1. Quit your job!  Ok, so you probably don't really have this option.  But do you enjoy what you are doing?  Do you have a dream to be doing something else?  Now that I am no longer a bivocational pastor, I enjoy each and every day - because I love what I am able to do.  It's what God has called and equipped me to do.  Maybe He is calling you to do something else.  
  2. Start each morning spending some time with God.  Focus on His will for your day, and not your own will.
  3. Be the blessing others are searching for.  Do something nice for someone, completely anonymous.
  4. Search for God smiles - little things in each of our lives where God reminds us, ever so gently, that He still cares and is in control.
  5. Fill it with distractions.  Attend a mid-week Bible study. Host a dinner party.  Sign up for a class you've always wanted to take.  Take up a hobby.  
What suggestions do you have as to how to make the work week better?


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