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This is part of a series, studying the book of Proverbs during the month of July, 2011. For more details click here.
This is part of a series, studying the book of Proverbs during the month of July, 2011. For more details click here.
In chapter four, I clearly read of the value of having goals and of moving towards them (vs 11-12, 14-15, 25-27). Over and over again, Solomon stresses setting goals that are focused on what's right in God's eyes, and then constantly working along the course of action He has for us. We can all do what's proper when life is easy - it's when our life gets turned upside down that we especially need to focus on what's right. That's where having clearly defined goals makes life easier - the path has already been determined. All we are left to do is to keep heading in the proper direction.
In 1 Kings 3, we read of a conversation between the Almighty LORD and King Solomon. In verse 5 God asks the young king, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!" Think of that for a moment - Solomon could have asked for anything, and what does he choose? Wealth? Peace? Happiness? No, he asks God for an "understanding heart" - wisdom to know how to lead his people, and to know the difference between right and wrong.
Solomon had a plan - he wanted to be the best leader possible in the King's service. He wanted to consistently render justice equally, provide for the nation he was leading, and bring honor to God. How did that turn out for Solomon? In 1 Kings 3:13 God states that "No other king in all the world will be compared to you for the rest of your life!" Later on in the same chapter, verse 28 states that the "people were in awe of the king, for they saw the wisdom God had given him for rendering justice."
What goals are you presently striving towards? What have you recently asked God to grant you? Are you goals and wishes for His service, or selfishly focused on you?
Key Verses For Me
Proverbs 4:25-27 - Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.
"Goals are dreams with deadlines." ~ Diana Scharf Hunt
Related Scripture
James 4:2C - Yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask God for it.
2 Chronicles 15:7 - But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded.
Father, may my time here on earth be pleasing to You. May the moments that You graciously grant me be spent in honoring You and not myself. May my time be focused on the plan You have for me, and my focus remain on attaining the goals You have ordained for my life.
So what verse(s) stick out to you and why?
So what verse(s) stick out to you and why?
Verse 7- I love the fact that good judgement is part of wisdom. When looking for wisdom I often overlook good judgement because it is to simple and surely God would not want me to do something so simple. I have the tendency to make things harder than they really are. This verse reminds me to just use good judgement in everything and God will show me His wisdom.
ReplyDeleteLove that Rodney! The verse that speaks to me is V. 23. Guard your heart ABOVE ALL ELSE, for it determines the course of your life! My study Bible says that our heart dictates to a great extent how we live because we always find time to do what we enjoy - that we must but boundaries on our desires so that we can stay on the right path. My desire is to tirelessly seek God so that I can acquire His wisdom; to keep Him as my focal point in every decision so that I don't get sidetracked and fall into sin. If you really read and contemplate that verse it's very compelling.
ReplyDeleteGreat word Rodney! I know I too struggle with making life harder than it needs to be by over analyzing simple decisions. Like you state - if we do our part, He will faithfully do His part. Thanks my friend.
ReplyDeleteOh dear Tracie! Have you ever thought of producing your own blog? People are dying to hear what you keep sharing via this blog.
ReplyDeleteIt boils down to our obedience - faithfully following His desires for our lives, versus relying on our own sinful dreams. Never straying away, but constantly focused on Him.
Praying for you during these last few days of carrying the newest beautiful Rowe.
So many good nuggets in this chapter!!
ReplyDeleteVs. 25 especially spoke to me. "Look straight ahead,and fix your eyes on what lies before you."
Sometimes I struggle with events or people from my past - and I allow them to prevent me from taking hold of what God has for me in my future. I think lots of folks use that crutch... But rather than allowing the past to handicap us, we should learn from it, and then LEAVE IT BEHIND as we strive forward on the path God has for us, refusing to deter from it. Unfortunately, the world is full of distractions, and our human nature makes us susceptible to taking notice of them. That's where the FIX YOUR EYES comes in. I am praying that God will put blinders on my eyes as I follow Him. :)
Okay, still trying to hook up to this blog. This is a test.
ReplyDeleteVerses 3&4
ReplyDeleteThis is heavy on my heart right now. Growing up my family did "attend" church. We didn't go every Sunday. We did not pray or read the bible together. Prayer was for significant holidays. It's not that my parents didn't teach us right from wrong because they did, But, from what I have learned it wasn't God's spoken truths or instructions. I ponder to think where I "could" be right now with God's wisdom had it been given to me back then. I can't hold jealousy toward anyone who far surpasses me in "His" word. It would be sinful. I can delight in the righteous and through my own hunger seek "His" word. I can't fault my parents because my wisdom can only come from my own heart's desire. Lord, forgive me and help me seek your instruction as YOU would have me do.