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The resounding theme of the initial chapter of Proverbs is the numerous benefits of wisdom. Verse 2 clearly states the purpose of this book "is to teach people wisdom and discipline." Wisdom is directly referred to 37 times in just 31 chapters, and instruction appears 26 times. Instruction can be defined as "teaching by discipline." Over and over again, the benefits of living a wise life is spelled out as a benefit for the reader - verse 3 refers to helping people live "successful lives."
Because we are human, doing what's right does not happen naturally. Ephesians 2:3 refers to man's actions as "following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature." So here's a whole book - 915 verses - dedicated to educating those who want to learn how to live a life benefiting from God's direction and subsequent blessing.
Doing what's right takes effort. We need to learn how to make correct choices in life. Our default is sinful and selfish, but with God's help and direction, we can overcome our worldly tendencies. Over the next 31 days, my personal goal is to commit at least one truth to memory every day, so that, when the time comes, I am able to make more Christ-like decisions. I'm excited to hear what God says to me through His word, and also to hear about what He says to each of you too.
Key Verse For Me
Proverbs 1:7 "Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. ~Plato
Related Scripture
Galatians 6:7 "Don't be misled - you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant."
Father, as I begin this journey of studying Proverbs to develop of stronger sense of what Your heart has for me, please guide and protect me as I draw closer to You. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
So what verse(s) stick out to you and why?
I am always reminded when I read this book of how Wisdom is referred to with female reference. This begins in verse 8, and repeated in 20 and throughout the rest of Proverbs. The thing that impressed me the most today was how verses 2-6 explain that there is no one who can't learn and benefit from His Word.
ReplyDeleteSo true PK! Of all of the books in the Bible, this is the one that even unbelievers can benefit from without requiring the Holy Spirit's explanation. The pic I used is from a church in Alabama - thought you would enjoy that tidbit.
ReplyDeletePB~ So glad you are doing this! You know the Rowe situation...so there are actually 2 verses that stick out to me in chapter 1. V. 19 (Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life), and V. 33 (But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear or harm). Not that I'm greedy for money, but, the season of life we are going through w/Andy's job situation gives pause for concern (in my cause the anxiety and concern can rob me of life)...which is why I love v. 33...it reminds me that if I LISTEN to HIM I can live in peace and be untroubled by fear (concern, anxiety, worry, etc.) or harm. I have to add that Matt 6:25-27 constantly reminds me that we will be okay. "That is why I tell you not to worry...whether you have enough....Look at the birds...your heavenly Father feeds them...and aren't you FAR MORE VALUABLE to Him they they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" That is some good stuff!!
ReplyDeleteI have a study Bible, and it says that there are 5 megathemes in Proverbs: Wisdom, Relationships, Speech, Work and Success. Within the realm of success, it says that [although] people work very hard for money and fame, GOD VIEWS SUCCESS AS HAVING A GOOD REPUTATION, MORAL CHARACTER, AND THE SPIRITUAL DEVOTION TO OBEY HIM. That a successful relationship with God counts for ETERNITY... that everything else is perishable! I praise God for His Word and this map for life, and I love Proverbs. I want to be like Solomon (the author of Proverbs)...God said He would give him whatever he wanted, and Solomon asked Him for an understanding mind...God was pleased with his request and made him wise!! I want that! The "stuff" doesn't matter, loving God does! And what's even more exciting is that God WANTS us to be wise (v. 23)... He invites us to listen so that He can make us wise! I just LOVE that!
Good stuff! Last night we had a special speaker at church. And he preached on Ez. 22:25-31. He was talking about looking for someone to stand in the gap. He made several excellent points about the lack of discernment. The priests lost a glimpse of God's holiness vs.26, the princes (government) shed innocent blood, destroyed souls, got dishonest gain vs.27, the prophets saying that God has said things that He has not said vs.28. Then he talked about how the people followed what their leaders had been doing. So the verses that struck me this morning are vs. 11-16. Proverbs encourages us to seek wisdom, and Matthew says "seek and ye shall find". Are we willing to seek that wisdom, apply it to our lives, and then be the one to stand in the gap for someone's soul? It might cost us here on earth, but think of the treasure in heaven. I choose to be the one for someone!
ReplyDeleteHi PB. To start off with: Psalm 37:4-"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." My desire is to gain the wisdom and knowledge of God's word. How will we ever know the genuine joy of loving, caring, sharing, giving, kindness or the truths of right and wrong? Proverbs 1:23 "If you had responded to my rebuke, I would have poured out my heart to you and made my thoughts known to you." We need to "listen" to what God is telling us as His thoughts "are" known to us. The application of Proverbs in our daily life will allow us to obtain the joy of the things listed above keeping us on the righteous path and away from the evil. It is my desire to have God fill my heart with the wisdom and knowledge of spiritual truth. I choose to be the wise one. If I call upon His name, I want Him to acknowledge me. I am praying for a strong relationship with Him so that I may be accountable to enter His kingdom.
ReplyDeleteTracie - such a great share. this is what's exciting to me about doing this - hearing what God is laying on others hearts as they read the same thing as me. All we have to do is search out the truth from Him - He wants to give it to us!
ReplyDeleteTara - "I choose to be the one for someone" - that's a strong statement. I love it! Seeking is what this study is all about for me. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteMarilyn - you've stated exactly what the whole book of Proverbs is all about - Delight in Him (gain wisdom) and He will give us our desires (verse 3 - a successful life). Psalm 46:10 - Be still and know that I am God!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you are a part of this adventure ma'am.
Wow...this is good stuff! Tracie nailed it I believe. Proverbs 1 reminds me of Deuteronomy 30....."I have set before you today, life and good, death and evil." Wisdom is Christ in us...the perfection that is required in Matthew 5:48. In Tracie's comment I hear a hunger not just for wisdom, but God's wisdom, which is "life an good". When His wisdom becomes our treasure, then our heart is there...it/He becomes the desire of desires for us and in us....which is our perfection. Thank God for revealing to us the path to wisdom. Apart from His revelation of Himself, we would only have one choice, which is no choice at all. Blessing to you all, and happy 4th weekend!
ReplyDeleteExactly Jerry - He wants us to seek Him constantly. We aren't robots, programmed to be wise, or perfect. It's a constant process of drawing closer to Him (James 4:8). We do this through spending time with Him, learning what His desires are for our life. It's the same as our spouses - if we want to love them more, we learn more about them through spending time focused on them, not ourselves.
ReplyDeleteVerse 33 is beautiful!
ReplyDelete"But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm.”
Such a great reminder of what God wants for us - peace - in aspects of our lives. It's sad that so many people seek it outside of God - I struggle with that at times too. But it's there in God, when we choose to listen to Him. I love that He is so willing to give it to us.
Verse 33 - I love this verse because it talks about living without fear which is the only way to have peace. As we learn to listen to God and obey His commands our faith grows stronger and our fear diminishes. There are so many things in life that we fear that we rob ourselves of the kind of relationship that God wants to have with us.